Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: Malcolm Merlyn

Good day to all of you! Today, we will be featuring Green Arrow’s rival. He was Arrow’s season 1 villain. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Magician, Malcolm Merlyn. Villain Profiles   Name: Arthur King Alias: Malcolm Merlyn Other Alias(es): The Magician, Dark Archer, Al Sahir Relatives: Rebecca Merlyn (wife, deceased), Tommy Merlyn (son, deceased), Thea Queen (daughter)ContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: Malcolm Merlyn”

Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: The Reverse Flash

Good day! It’s Thunderous Thursday again and today we are going to feature one of Barry’s rivals. He is the ultimate opposite of Barry, evil and has the exact opposite colors of The Flash. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Reverse Flash! Villain Profiles   Name: Eobard Thawne Alias: Reverse Flash Other Alias(es):ContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: The Reverse Flash”

Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: The Mandarin

:Welcome to Thunderous Thursday! Today in our Villain Profiles, we will feature one of Iron Man’s archenemy. He is the leader of the Ten Rings and is one of the most ruthless villains out there. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, The Mandarin!   Villain Profiles   Name: Unrevealed Alias: The Mandarin Other Alias(es):ContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday feat. Villain Profiles: The Mandarin”

Thunderous Thursday Feat. Villain Profiles: Sabretooth

This week, we continue to celebrate and pay homage to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine for 17 years and as he puts on the claws for one last time in Logan. Today, in Thunderous Thursday, we will feature one of Wolverine’s greatest nemesis and his rival. The one and only, Sabretooth!   Villain Profiles Name: Victor Creed Alias: SabretoothContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday Feat. Villain Profiles: Sabretooth”

Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: Red Skull

In our Thunderous Thursday, we will be featuring one of the ruthless villains of all time. He is part of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Science division and became an organization to cleanse the world and they are known as Hydra. Presenting, our villain for the week, Johann Schmidt also known as the Red Skull. Villain ProfilesContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: Red Skull”

Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: The Joker

This Thunderous Thursday, we will feature one of Batman’s rogues. He is ruthless, evil, maniacal, and chaotic villain of Batman. Presenting, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker!   Villain Profiles Name: Unknown Alias: The Joker Nickname(s): the Clown Prince of Crime, the Jester of Genocide, Harlequin of Hate, and the Ace of Knaves Relatives:ContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: The Joker”

Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: Lex Luthor

Presenting Thunderous Thursday! Today, I will be featuring Villain’s Profiles from the DC and Marvel Comics. This week, I will be featuring one of the most greedy, cruel and the arch enemy of the Man of Steel. Presenting Lex Luthor.   Villain Profile Name: Alexander Joseph Luthor Current Alias: Lex Luthor Relatives: Lionel Luthor (father,ContinueContinue reading “Thunderous Thursday featuring Villain Profiles: Lex Luthor”